イスラエル・イノベーション庁はインキュベータープログラムにBGVが参加するCLIMATEC Incubotorを選出
イスラエル🇮🇱イノベーション庁はインキュベータープログラムにBGVが参加するCLIMATEC Incubotorを選出しました。今後、カーボンニュートラル、DXに向け有望なスタートアップを投資育成していきます。BGVの強みである、こうしたスタートアップをシリコンバレーのエコシステムで育てるだけでなく、日本の大企業にもつなげていければと思います。
日本もこの流れに載せなければ(2/18 ILSのセミナーでも話した内容でした)!
Quote from the article;
The winning incubators :a climate incubator that includes venture capital funds and leading global corporations: DK Innovation, Total Energies Carbon Solutions, Eren Industries, IP Innovative Power, Blue Minds, BGV, OSEG Group
A budget of up to NIS 6.5 million per project
The startup companies that will be established by the incubators will be entitled to a budget of up to NIS 6.5 million per project. This includes a 60-85% grant from the Israel Innovation Authority as well as complementary funding from the incubator’s operating companies. In addition, the companies will benefit from the incubator’s support in early stages as well as continued investment via dedicated investment funds established by the incubators and made available for the incubated companies. The winning groups will enjoy a five-year franchise (with an option to extend for an additional three years) in which they will establish high-risk and disruptive startups and provide financial and significant added value to them.